How Restaurants Can Survive Coronavirus
The Coronavirus has impacted businesses across the nation — especially restaurants and bars. Learn how your small business can survive this pandemic.
Cheers to Our Clients in 2019
2019 was an incredible year for NXT Factor and our clients. As we reflect on this past year, let’s celebrate everything our clients have accomplished.
What Instagram’s Like-Hiding Update Means for Influencer Marketing
As you may have heard, Instagram is rolling out a new trial update to its popular photo-sharing app, hiding the number of likes on a photo. While this has already been done in several countries, such as Japan and Canada earlier this year, Instagram announced it would be bringing this change to The...
4 Ways to Personalize Content to Your Audience in 2019
The days of heavy filters, emoji-filled captions, and aesthetic feeds are long gone. While all of this still contributes to building up your personal brand as a small business, consumer behavior in 2019 has shifted from the idealistic, view of “This is who I want to be” to the raw, authentic...
Two Things You Should Be Doing to Stay on Top of Social Media Changes
NXTFactor knows. It’s frustrating. Every couple of months, it seems like there’s a change in algorithm or feature for popular social media platforms, including Instagram and Facebook. And if there wasn’t, people begin hallucinating and claiming that there was. One month, your social media account...
Your Digital Marketing Success Mindset: The 80/20 Rule
Our society repeats the same phrase over and over - you must work hard to gain success. But in the business world, it saves much more time and money to work smart. NXTFactor applies this into the digital marketing world. We believe in the 80/20 rule. The 80/20 rule is this: 80% percent of all...
The Top 3 Secrets of Improving Your Influencer Campaign
While scrolling through Instagram, YouTube, Facebook, and all the social media that exists, we always hear variations of the same expression about influencers, “It’s crazy how many followers they have because they’re not even celebrities!” And they’re not. In fact, they’ve even become more popular...
3 tips to Improve your Instagram Accounts in 2019
Did you know that over 80% of Instagram users follow at least one business? And that’s not it, over 200 million Instagram users visit at least one business profile everyday! Instagram is no longer a simple platform for pretty pictures, it has become the online “showroom” for many businesses. It...
Video Marketing is the Future
If you haven’t heard of video marketing, then you are probably living under a rock. In the last 10 years, the digital marketing world has changed significantly. More and more businesses are starting to realize the power of video marketing. Many statistics have proven the efficiency of video...
Branding VS. Marketing
What came first? The chicken or the egg? Branding or Marketing? We may never know the answer to the first question, but the second one is easy! When talking about Branding or Marketing, it's easy to get the two confused. They are very similar but their differences are...
Asian Pacific American Heritage Month 2022 + USPPACC/SBA’s CNPP Program
In Honor of AAPI Month, NU Media is reminiscing on the past three months of work we've done with the help of USPPAC/SBA. Assisting new clients with expanding their reach, we look forward to all we can do to lift and help AAPI businesses and voices! In October 2021,...
Algorithms: Always Something New
Algorithms are the mysterious piece of code that curates your entire social media feed. We all kind of know-how algorithms work—constantly watching and taking into account your likes, comments, shares, and who you follow—putting it all together and showing you a...
New Year, New Strategy
At the end of every year, there are dozens of articles highlighting the biggest trends of the year and upcoming trends to expect in the new year. It can be overwhelming, especially fitting recent trends into your already established marketing strategy. But the good...
Keeping up with the Instagram Features
To stay relevant and compete with other platforms such as TikTok, Instagram continues to rapidly develop and introduce exciting new features for users. In our May newsletter, we spoke about how to use TikTok for marketing, how it compares to Reels from Instagram, and...